Alter Ego

A 2-D platformer where you manage a player and its clones to solve puzzles

C# Unity Tilemaps Puzzle Design

Alter Ego Teaser

Developed for a course project over a span of 3 months with a team of 8! I was the team lead and made the following technical contributions:

  • Core loop design & GDD organization
  • Replay-value via secret locations/ability
  • Tilemap programming (fragile floor, rule-based auto-tiling)
  • Character run animation
  • Level design for following mechanics: Fragile floor, Reverse powerup, Stacking
  • Analyze play-testing data to fine-tune gameplay and difficulty curve

Team management:

  • Version control setup & issue tracking
  • Task planning & meeting cadence
  • Code review and best practices

Spell Crafter

Developed in 72 hours for Global Game Jam 2023

C# Unity Level Design

Spell Crafter Teaser

Partake in a training program to craft various spells and practice them on targets in a challenging training arena. This game is about using your wits to maximize spell efficiency.


  • GDD authoring
  • Level design & scaffolding
  • Tornado spell scripting (physics & particle system)